Sunday, December 28, 2008
The New Year is Almost Here!!
After our mad dash across the United States, which still took us 26 days, we spent a couple of weeks in Anchorage resting up from the trip. I had wanted to make it a leisurely trip across the US and Canada, getting to know people who lived in different places, and because we my CFIDS condition, it would have been easier to me to do. However, Lisa was hell-bent on getting here, no matter what the cost, so when we finally arrived, we were both exhausted. Most people don't realize that a for a person with my condition, sitting in the passenger seat is MORE exhausting than doing the actual driving, but Lisa, like most people, thought that if she did all the driving, it would be easier on me.
And because she did all the driving, she was as exhausted as I was when we arrived. Because she was so exhausted, and less than 24 hours after we arrived, she made a mistake that is still costing us to this day.
She is still learning that mistakes made here in Alaska will have long-reaching consequences here. She will never again make the mistake of wearing tennis shoes while walking on sheer ice, as that mistake cost her a broken leg. She now understands how very tired I get just doing ordinary things, as she gets that tired just going to the bathroom. While she never understood (as most people don't)not to push me to do more than I can, or to do it for me when I don't do something as fast as she would like, she now knows how it feels to be unable to move any quicker, or how guilty one feels when unable to do something on someone else's timetable.
Our landlord came over the other day, and when I explained the reason for taking so long to answer the door was because I was sleeping, she said to me "you're always sleeping".
Yes, I am. So is Lisa. We sleep when we're tired, and get up when we are not. Sometimes we sleep all day, and stay up all night. We eat the right foods, and since Lisa cannot go anywhere, we stay mostly to ourselves. I have taken a couple of trips to Anchorage to bring down some of our stuff in storage. I still have a couple of trips left before I have emptied out that storage unit. It's taking a while because I have limited energy, and cannot pull our scottie through the mountains in the snow, and the truck is not big enough to haul all of our stuff! (I don't know how we managed to get all that stuff here!!) Would Lisa do it alone if I was unable to get out of bed and help her? Yes she would, in a heartbeat. We make a good team, my cousin and I. What one can't do, the other can. So will we reach the goals we have set for ourselves? YES WE WILL. We plan on healing, and then finding that bed and breakfast where we can offer to others a place to heal. This is our goal. So while we will miss our friends and loved ones, we hope that you understand that we have a plan. We love you, we miss you.
Happy New Year to you all
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Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas To All Our Loved Ones

We do miss our friends and family however, especially during this holiday season. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and know that while our bodies may be here, our spirits are with all of you this holiday season.
We saw a huge moose in the street, Lisa thought it was a horse at first, but since it was on the street, we got close enough to see that it WAS NOT a horse!
We will most likely be closing the ebay store in January, and only do auctions on Ebay. However, our own website store will still be available. If you want to go to either place just click on the blue links.
Thanks again Jackie, you are the best friend! It is a rare person indeed who spends so much time and effort on other people, rather than themselves. We are lucky that you and David are our friends.
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Friday, December 12, 2008
The Wind is a Howling tonight

The wind is howling tonight! It is raging so hard that it knocked my stain glass right out of the window it was sitting against. We had cracked open that window to let in some air, and to clear out the apt of smoke, as our upstairs neighbors complained that the smoke was going up the vent in the kitchen. Usually, with the windows open, we can hear the snow crackling like little twinkling lights, but tonight all we hear is that howling. Sounds kinda cool.
Lisa has her doctor's appointment with the orthopedic doctor tomorrow, early, and yet here it is 4:00 a.m. and we are both still awake.
Thanks to Jackie for our care package...the little xmas tree and decorations really made our day, as we gave all our xmas decorations to the Battered Women's shelter before we left. While it doesn't bother Lisa to not decorate for xmas, it bothers me. Christmas time is the best time of year, and I miss my tree and decorations. So, thanks very much Jackie.
UPS delivered right to our door. The mailman does not deliver mail to anywhere in Seward, so everyone has to pick up their mail at the post office. It was a real treat to have it delivered straight to our door.
I am posting a pic of our chakra ring, which comes with the seven stones for the seven chakras. It can be made in either gold or silver, and we do have the stones to make this same ring into a mother's ring, with the children's birthstones. You can see it in more detail at our ebay store .
You can also see it our own website.
We love you all and miss you terribly. Lisa is especially having a hard time because she has stay off her leg, and feels guilty because she is not supposed to do anything. So, everyone, send her lots of love by emailing her and letting her know you care.
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Merry Christmas to all of our friends and loved ones!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Herkimer Diamond Earrings!

We have just made one pair of Herkimer Diamond earrings, set with a Sterling Silver cap and mounted on Sterling Silver French ear wires. The herkimers dangle from a 1 inch heart chain and are so cute! These are good size herkimers, although the pic we have isn't very good. The sun does not stay out for long here in Alaska, and so it is very hard to get a good pic, but this one will give you an idea of what they look like.
They are on auction in our ebay store.
We also have on auction a glass heart filled with herkimer diamonds. We have never done this auction before so take advantage of it! It does not come with the chain, although we do have one in the store with a chain
We also have our own website.
If you want to comment on this post, click on the comment link. Xmas is coming, I am so excited! Merry Christmas to you all
Monday, November 17, 2008
What Appears To Be A Tragedy Is In Actuality a Blessing
(1) She now has all the records she needs to complete her disability claim.
(2) In Alaska, that claim will now be settled within 3-4 months, compared to 3-4 years in Florida.
(3) She is getting the correct health coverage here.
(4) Her needs are being taken care of. She has a place to live, food to eat, internet and tv. She doesn't have to work 80 hours a week to receive these needs. My disability takes care of it all, and I am glad to share it
(5)Complete strangers brought over a couch for Lisa to sit on because we did not have one. We have only been in Seward for one week. We knew no one. But someone heard of our need and came though.
I know it's rough-she can't go out to the bars. But then again, here comes that blessing in disguise. She has the marker for liver cancer, so it is no great tragedy to give her liver a rest.
Everyone can just stop feeling sorry for Lisa. She wants to live. That's why she came here.
If you want to do something for Lisa, send her some milk thistle. It helps cleanse the liver. Tell Randy to hold the raffle so she can get the rest of the money for her boat.
If you want to send some milk thistle for Lisa, her address is Lisa Rowell, General Delivery, Seward Ak 99664
She is my cousin, I love her. Please stop thinking negative thoughts.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Lisa Has Broken Her Leg in Two Places!
There is an upside to this situation however. This will expedite her disability case, and she is now getting all the tests she needs in order for that to happen.
She really misses all of you now!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
We have a new home!
SO, everyone can just stop worrying. We are not homeless. We are not living in a shelter. We are warm and dry, and have plenty of food to eat. There are doctors and a hospital here.
If a bear knocks on the door, we will look to see who is knocking before we answer the door.
The only problem is that Lisa keeps wanting to call the town we live in Steward, instead of Seward. If that is the only problem we face, I am sure we will be doing just fine!
We miss and love you all.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
1.51 Marquise Diamond for Sale

We have found a really cute cabin for rent in Moose Pass, so Lisa has decided to sell her diamond ring to pay off her car as the boat still has not been raffled off.
It is snowing up here and we need snow tires and insurance, so all our jewelry goes!!! You can find it on our ebay store or our own website (and it's cheaper on our own website) Just click on the links for either the ebay store or our website. This ring comes with a Diamond Analysis Report and the replacement value is $10,050.00 so you are really getting a good deal with this one.
We miss you, we love you all
Thanks for the care package Jackie!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Aquamarine Bracelet and diamond wedding ring for sale!

Since the auction for Lisa's boat has not been held, Lisa has decided to sell some of her jewelry so she can make her car payment. The boat sale was supposed to pay off her truck and since it hasn't been raffled yet, she needs to find another way to make those payments.
So here's what she has to offer:
4 ct Aquamarine bracelet in 14 k gold with safety clasp. It has 16 marquise shaped aquamarines with 16 diamond chips. This is really a beautiful piece and she paid more than $1000.00 for it. You can buy it on our new website in the Gifts for Her section at
She also has a 14k gold wedding band with 8 bagettes and 7 diamonds for sale for $200.00. She paid $600.00 and still has the receipt.
It is a size 6
You can click on the link on each item and it will take you to our store.
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Monday, August 4, 2008
Anchorage Alaska has the best place to sell our stuff.

Lisa and I went down to the Anchorage Festival and Market this weekend. This place is pretty cool, and the really cool thing about it is there is no one that sells the same stuff we do!! There is lots of hand-made stuff made out of wood, and lots of animal skins made up into hats, boots, shoes and jackets, but no one sells soaps, or hand-made watches, or wire wraps jewelry. There is lots of Native American crafts, and jewelry with seed beads, and a few crystals.
One of the great things about this market is the free live entertainment that plays from 10 in the morning till 6 in the evening. They had this life sized box with a hole labeled donations, and this little finger poking out to encourage everyone to contribute. It was so cute, you had to donate!
Although we plan on settling in Seward or Homer, we may come back up to Anchorage on the weekends during the summer so we can participate in this market.
You can arrange to take a glacier tour here and even send your fish home. Lots of tourists, and lots of places to eat.
We are waiting for Lisa's boat to sell so that we can move. Need to do that before it starts snowing, and they say winter is coming early this year. I can believe that, cause its chillier than its ever been since we got here (according to the locals)
Thanks, Sonny and Jackie for the care packages you sent. Cigarettes are $75.00 a carton here in Anchorage so we appreciate you thinking of us!
We miss you all, we love you
You can order from the ebay store or our website at
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Celestail Aura,also known as Tanzan Aura is breathtaking!

Tanzan Aura Quartz is one of the most powerful materials for the development of one's latent psychic abilities and the enhancement of one's conscious connection to Spirit. It is an incredibly potent aid for intuitives of all sorts — mediums, shamans, readers, channelers, healers — as well as those who simply wish to become clearer in their subtle perceptions. It stimulates the third eye and Crown Chakras, blending and unifying their energies. It can, in effect, activate all the mind centers and link them so they work together as one. This is a precursor to whole-brain awakening and the attainment of one's full human potential
This piece we wrapped in 14kgf wire...the crystal itself is a mixture of purple and blue and has windows.This pic does not do it justice!! Lisa just fell in love with this piece when she saw it, although she is partial to her angel aura. You can find it in the ebay store or at the our website, but I hope no one falls in love with it, cause it makes me feel good just to have it around!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Connect with our Angels?

Angel Aura Quartz is also known as Rainbow Aura, Opal Aura or Pearl Aura Quartz.
Angel Aura Quartz is created by bonding a clear natural Quartz crystal with a precious metal infusion of pure platinum and silver, resulting in an immensely powerful protection combination which fuses the White, Blue, Violet and Silver Rays into an iridescent display of Light
Angel Aura Quartz is both helps to protect and balance the aura and brings health on all levels, it is useful in meditation and helps one move toward 'right action'. It lifts the spirit and helps to bring tranquility and peacefullness and contact our inner wisdom.
Wearing Angel Aura Quartz helps one to be a beacon of inner beauty, peace and spiritual awareness during one s journey in this world.
In addition to transmitting it's own unique vibrational signature, Angel Aura combines the energetic properties of Clear Quartz Crystal with Platinum and Silver
In a secret process which is part alchemy and part science, the three unique substances of quartz crystal, pure Silver and Platinum are commingled in a permanent way, resulting in the delicate iridescent rainbow coloring of Angel Aura..
"The shimmering shades of iridescent colors that highlight Angel Aura Quartz immediately put one in mind of the angels. There is something delicately uplifting about Angel Aura Quartz, a quality of sweetness that stimulates the spirit and lifts one s mood. Meditating with these stones, one can easily move beyond the body and go to one s 'inner temple . This is a place of purification and rest, in which one s angelic guides are present, ready to help one release stress and move into deep peace.
I love the metaphysical properties of angel aura. Lisa wears a piece of angel aura around her neck, and never takes it off. This piece in the pic is wrapped with 26 gauge sterling silver wire and hangs on a sterling silver heart chain. It should not be worn be any other necklaces, as it is wrapped with thin wire so as not to distract from the beauty of the piece. You can find it in the ebay store or our own store at
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Sunday, July 27, 2008
Flame Aura From Arkansas-brings money to when worn!

lISA IS BACK in Anchorage. The lodge she went to work at was REALLY in the middle of nowhere. No town, no gas stations, no restaurants, no drug stores. The work was way too exhausting for her health. She doesn't like to give up, but she came here to Alaska to heal and that job wasn't helping, so she came back to Anchorage to help wrap some of the crystals we picked up in Arkansas. This flame aura that we picked up in Arkansas is wrapped in 14kgf wire, and is absolutely beautiful. It changes colors from blue to rose depending on the light. Really is delicate and feminine. It comes with a free 14kgf chain and can be found in the ebay store.
It can also be found in our new store at
There is a 10% discount coupon at our new store. Just type in the coupon # A1 when checking out.
We have finally gotten high speed internet here in Anchorage, so we can post more often.
We will be heading down to Valdez soon to check out that area.
Happy, Happy Birthday Caroline. Say hey to Capt Bill for us
love you, miss you all
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Sunday, July 20, 2008
We are in love with Seward

Our last stop before coming home to Anchorage was Seward Ak. This is a wonderful little town with only 2600 residents in the winter. We stayed in the city campgrounds there, which had no internet but had coin-operated showers, and free toilets! The garbage cans are painted by local artists, and we have included some of those garbage cans with their new age sayings here. We had a view of the ocean which was surrounded on three sides by mountains. Absolutely awe-inspiring.
Lisa has taken a job in a remote lodge 350 miles from Anchorage, and works there until Sept.14. It's right next to a glacier and she gets to go on all the tours for free as part of her package. She also gets free room and board for the two months, and since there is not one place to spend money up there..she will save quite a bit. She is also getting to meet new people and learn what we will need to know to open up our own bed and breakfast.
We're having trouble getting consistent high speed internet here, so we are having to post new items very slowly to the new site,
We will still have the store at Ebay, but willing be phasing that store out when we finally get the new store up and running. At the new store, you can order unlimited amounts of soap without it being the problem it was on the ebay store.
We will be putting up on the blog some of the new items we have now wire-wrapped. They came out absolutely beautiful, and I wish we didn't have to sell them!
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Sunday, July 13, 2008
Kenai is out; Homer a possiblity

We stayed in Kenai for a couple of days, looking around to see if this is the place we want to settle. Not our cup of tea!!! Too boring. Looks like a place where the rich come to settle, and while it had a variety of shopping, not one area even inspired us to take pics. So we can down to Homer.
Now Homer is interesting! Homer is where the road ends and the sea begins..there is sea and mountains in the same place. The spit is a great place to meet people from all over the world. The Salty Dog is the most interesting place of all. It has a lighthouse on top, and on the walls and ceilings there is one dollar bills with the names of all the people who have visited. There is even hats, and underwear on the wall, and an IOU for $1.00 from one visitor. Ron & Jenny Zeller and Tom & Alesia Hopfauf were there with us, and we had such a good time. We hope they come and visit us when we find the place we want for our bed and breakfast.
We are staying at the Homer Spit Campground, and plan on never staying here again!! We had to move three times just to get the electric to work, and Lisa was just fit to be tied by the time we finally found a spot that worked. You have to pay extra for the showers, and the internet. Down the road is a cheaper place , but we didnt' know that when we got here. We do now, and plan on staying there when we next come to town. It is also a short distance from all the shops and interesting little shops. We haven't even begun to take pics of all those places.
We have been spending the last 4 days transferring our items to a new shop,
It is taking days and days, but the wireless connection in Anchorage is hard to get from our location. Guess we are going to have to spring for a wereless internet card from Verizon to keep up with everything.
Everyone can still buy what they need from the ebay store
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We miss you. We love you
Thursday, July 10, 2008
We're rested up and back to traveling!!

WE have finally rested up, put our stuff in storage, put a new floor in the Scotty, and screwed the sides back together, and we're on the road again. We are looking for a small town in which to finally settle, and decided to go to Hope Alaska and check it out. Well, it is small!! Only 150 people in the town. No gas station. In the middle of nowhere! They do have a library, coffee shop, post office and an rv place. Everything but the rv park is staffed by volunteers, so not one place was open. The public restrooms are port-a-potties. One thing that makes Hope great is the view of the mountains and water.
We decided to go on to Kenai, and will be staying here a couple of days. We want to check out the area, and we have two bolts to replace on the hitch. Somehow they came off and are lost forever.
Jackie, you would love this interstate highways. And roads that go only God knows where!! We won't be checking them out on this trip, as we want to go to Homer and Seward to see the glaciers.
Miss you all, love to you all
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ya Double Hoo, We're in Alaska Now!

We are behind schedule a day because we finally had our first tire blow-out, on this long, lonely, stretch of highway in the Yukan. We thought we were in the middle of nowhere, (when in actuality we were within 10 miles of Destruction Bay) and we had to unload the backseat to get to the jack. We're jacking the trailer up (slowly), when we discover we have no way to take the lug nuts off the trailer tire because the jack that we had fit Lisa's truck only! We really think we have landed ourselves in a pickle when along come three canadians who preceded to change the tire. They even went down to one of their friends and borrowed something to take the lug nuts off, since the tool they had didn't fit our trailer tire either. They then directed us to (get this) a tire shop where we bought a new tire, and a 4 way lug. (We hadn't seen a place to have any repairs done in hundreds of miles!! It is a good thing the tire blew there, because the next 300 miles were pure misery! It took us a whole day to go two hundred miles!
We made it across the border with no problems at all....took 5 minutes. As soon as we crossed the border, hordes of gigantic misquitos carried Lisa off. By the time I reached the area they had dropped her, the huge black flies were feasting on her carcass. (This is actually a little joke for our Porky's Landing friends.)
We have sent a pic of the first American place we saw when we crossed the border. Also included is a couple of shots of lakes and mountains.
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Monday, June 23, 2008
Buffalo Are Not Extinct!

As we were traveling from Ft. Nelson to Watson Lake, we had the chance to see some incredible scenery at Lake Munzo. The water is a crystal green color, and even though it was foggy and rainy, was absolutely beautiful. The three hundred miles to Lake Watson was rugged, and the hundreds of miles of water was a pleasant distraction
We stopped at a little restaurant on the way to Watson Lake, and on the menu they had bear burgers, buffalo burgers, turkey burger, chicken burgers, and regular hamburgers. We opted for the regular hamburgers, but noticed that they had a distinct wild flavor to them! I hope it wasn't a bear burger that we ingested, as the bear is one of my power animals.
A few miles from the restaurant, we ran across some real buffalo along the side of the road. Lisa had to pull into the other lane, as the largest buffalo decided to protect our side of the road!! We took pics, and continued driving, only to come around a bend in the road, and ran right into another herd of buffalo. They even had babies!! Pretty incredible sight! Then we saw a couple of baby bears.
We wanted to thank our friends and family who have posted on our blog. It makes us feel as if you are with us, making it less lonely a trip. At least this way we know that once we left town, we were not forgotten, as you all are not forgotten. We miss you lots
Same goes for our new friends!!
We will be arriving at the Alaskan border tomorrow, as we are in Whitehorse now.
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Saturday, June 21, 2008
Only 1200 Miles More To Go

We almost stopped in Dawson Creek for the night as they were having an outdoor concert, but the sky looked like rain, so we decided to just take pics and go on to the next town. The road here to Ft Nelson, BC was mostly smooth..there were a few rough spots but for the most part roads were smooth. Lisa almost hit 2 different sets of deer, and we managed to see 2 moose and 1 bear on this route. No mosquitoes tho!! Weather is a wonderful 70 degrees, and we were able to turn off the air-conditioning. Gas is running $1.40 to $1.49 a liter (and there are 5 liters in a gallon)
A trucker asked us how many tires on the little scottie we had had to change, and when we told him we had changed none, he was astonished. I guess we must be doing something right, or someone or something upstairs is watching over us.
It's fairly amazing to us that everything is going so well, but we're coping!
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