Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas To All Our Loved Ones

Christmas in Alaska is certainly going to be a different experience for us. It is beautiful here, with the mountains on three sides and the ocean on the other. Every time we go down to the post office we get a chance to look at the ocean, and everyday we look out at the snow covered mountains. While Seward is a quiet little town in the winter, it is certainly conducive to healing, which is the main reason we headed for Alaska in the first place.
We do miss our friends and family however, especially during this holiday season. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and know that while our bodies may be here, our spirits are with all of you this holiday season.
We saw a huge moose in the street, Lisa thought it was a horse at first, but since it was on the street, we got close enough to see that it WAS NOT a horse!
We will most likely be closing the ebay store in January, and only do auctions on Ebay. However, our own website store will still be available. If you want to go to either place just click on the blue links.
Thanks again Jackie, you are the best friend! It is a rare person indeed who spends so much time and effort on other people, rather than themselves. We are lucky that you and David are our friends.
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Anonymous said...


David and Tina

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to the both of you. Hey, blow some snow down south a little bit, ok? Miss you.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas..Me,David and Kati send our love..We miss you terribly and wish you were here.. Both of you are continued in our prayers and thoughts..Hope your Christmas is as blessed as ours..Love ya lots...xoxoxo..Happy Birthday Jesus