Sunday, December 28, 2008

The New Year is Almost Here!!

I for one, am looking forward to the new year. This last year has been full of exciting changes, but people here in Alaska ask us the same things that people all across the country have asked us. Why did we move to Alaska? When we tell them that we moved here to Alaska to heal, every single person has looked at us like we are crazy. And maybe we are, but if we are, we fit right in with these people.
After our mad dash across the United States, which still took us 26 days, we spent a couple of weeks in Anchorage resting up from the trip. I had wanted to make it a leisurely trip across the US and Canada, getting to know people who lived in different places, and because we my CFIDS condition, it would have been easier to me to do. However, Lisa was hell-bent on getting here, no matter what the cost, so when we finally arrived, we were both exhausted. Most people don't realize that a for a person with my condition, sitting in the passenger seat is MORE exhausting than doing the actual driving, but Lisa, like most people, thought that if she did all the driving, it would be easier on me.
And because she did all the driving, she was as exhausted as I was when we arrived. Because she was so exhausted, and less than 24 hours after we arrived, she made a mistake that is still costing us to this day.
She is still learning that mistakes made here in Alaska will have long-reaching consequences here. She will never again make the mistake of wearing tennis shoes while walking on sheer ice, as that mistake cost her a broken leg. She now understands how very tired I get just doing ordinary things, as she gets that tired just going to the bathroom. While she never understood (as most people don't)not to push me to do more than I can, or to do it for me when I don't do something as fast as she would like, she now knows how it feels to be unable to move any quicker, or how guilty one feels when unable to do something on someone else's timetable.
Our landlord came over the other day, and when I explained the reason for taking so long to answer the door was because I was sleeping, she said to me "you're always sleeping".
Yes, I am. So is Lisa. We sleep when we're tired, and get up when we are not. Sometimes we sleep all day, and stay up all night. We eat the right foods, and since Lisa cannot go anywhere, we stay mostly to ourselves. I have taken a couple of trips to Anchorage to bring down some of our stuff in storage. I still have a couple of trips left before I have emptied out that storage unit. It's taking a while because I have limited energy, and cannot pull our scottie through the mountains in the snow, and the truck is not big enough to haul all of our stuff! (I don't know how we managed to get all that stuff here!!) Would Lisa do it alone if I was unable to get out of bed and help her? Yes she would, in a heartbeat. We make a good team, my cousin and I. What one can't do, the other can. So will we reach the goals we have set for ourselves? YES WE WILL. We plan on healing, and then finding that bed and breakfast where we can offer to others a place to heal. This is our goal. So while we will miss our friends and loved ones, we hope that you understand that we have a plan. We love you, we miss you.

Happy New Year to you all
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to ya'll too..Glad to hear your sticking with your plans..We are praying that everything is good in Alaska..Florida is great and we had a awesome Christmas..miss ya and love ya..P.S.Lisa.I was wondering if you could send lil mans baby ring..I wanted to give it to him on a chain for his 13th birthday..Going for something special this year..Please let me know..