Friday, January 2, 2009

It's A Brand New Year!!

Well, we have made it to another year! I remember, 10 years ago, a doctor telling me I wouldn't last out the year....I was a walking time bomb. And yet, here I am 10 years later. I believe that we get whatever it is we believe we are going to get, and since I never had a doctor I believed, their predictions for me never came true.
When Lisa and I tell people we came to Alaska to heal, they always ask us how we are going to do that. We're going to heal because we believe we are going to heal. Already Lisa is learning the lesson I have already learned, and that is how to slow down and listen to what her body is telling her. The fresh air, while cold, is extremely healing, as is staying away from toxic situations and people.
We're both using the crystals, and cleansing our indoor environment. We take our vitamins.
The new year is always good for setting those resolutions to change, and this year we are setting our course on keeping out of toxic situations, and away from toxic people. Letting go of expectations of the way others should or should not act is a goal we will be striving toward. We can only control what we can do , and stay away from those who would be harmful to our health. While it means letting go of some friends, and sometimes family, this new year is one in which we are going to concentrate on ourselves and our health.
We'll drink herbal tea, breathe in the fresh air and beautiful scenery, and speaking frankly, just love ourselves. Happy New to Year to you all


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you both! David and I were just talking the other day about how we were gonna make alot of changes this year...including letting go of toxic people ourselves. We got to see the kids over Christmas break...David was happy to finally see them. He also picked up a tub of your stuff. Alot of stuff was broken in the box but the pictures of you, your husband, David and the kids from years ago was really nice to see! It's nice to see some of David's background. He also wanted to tell you he will be sending that card asap...sorry so late! Have a very Happy 2009! Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa.None of that stuff was broken..Not going there but yes David got his gift and I received his baby rings..Thanks so much..