Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We have a new home!

We have finally moved to the place we are going to settle for a while. We were going to move to Moose Pass, but a mudslide on the road on the day we went to look at the house we were going to rent had us changing our minds about Moose Pass! So we have moved to Seward, Alaska. We have telephone service, cable and internet service! There are only about 2000 residents here in the winter time, which suits us just fine. The closest Walmart is 120 miles away.
SO, everyone can just stop worrying. We are not homeless. We are not living in a shelter. We are warm and dry, and have plenty of food to eat. There are doctors and a hospital here.
If a bear knocks on the door, we will look to see who is knocking before we answer the door.
The only problem is that Lisa keeps wanting to call the town we live in Steward, instead of Seward. If that is the only problem we face, I am sure we will be doing just fine!
We miss and love you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to finally hear from you..All is well in Florida,things are really looking up..The kids miss you terribly and wish you would call them...They worry even though they are little..So happy you have finally found a place where you can settle in and maybe even call home..Keep in touch and remember ya'll remain in our prayers..The kids send bunches of kisses and hugs over the wonderful world of the