Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ya-Hoo! We're in Red Deer Canada

We made it through the boring state of Montana and pulled up at the Candian border this morning. That was some experience!! The agents took Lisa's pepper spray, and then sent us over to the inspection center. Three very cute inspectors were there to inspect our vehicle and camper for firearms. If you notice in the picture, the doors to two of the bays are open while the inspection was going on. When it came time for our inspection, ALL the doors to the bays were closed with our camper, truck and us inside (and of course, the border inspectors)

They would not give us their names so I will have to describe them to you. The one with the nice behind did most of the grilling. He was sure we were carrying fire-arms because in his experience, two women traveling alone across Canada, ALWAYS carried fire-arms to protect themselves. They interrogated Lisa and I separately, so that they could get us to admit we had a hand-gun. I got the longer grilling, maybe because I looked like I would crack and tell them something. The really cute baby faced inspector didn't say much except agree with the one with the nice behind. There was my favorite inspector, who was really tall and really silent. Everyone knows how I like those tall ones!!

Here we thought they were going to turn us back because of our little scottie. We passed the criminal investigation, the money situation and only had this little fire-arm deal to go though.

After an hour, they finally decided we were telling the truth, and let us go.

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We have no idea how fast we are going because the speed limits are in KM, so we just follow the rest of the traffic. We have only had a couple of people tell us we were doing something wrong!!

The truck is doing well, and the little scottie has been a trouper. Those guards did not want to take everything we owned inside of that scottie, in the back seat of our car, and the back end of the truck and inspect every little thing. So they believed us. Thank the Lord!

The roads are good, and we are making good time.

Carol, know that you are in our prayers .


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys made it through the states safely!! Sounds like you had a bit of fun at the Canadien border...(I remember what you said to me at Hopper's about the first man you see in Canada, Debbie! LOL) Have a safe rest of the trip!! David sends his love! Take care!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys made it through the states safely!! Sounds like you had a bit of fun at the Canadien border...(I remember what you said to me at Hopper's about the first man you see in Canada, Debbie! LOL) Have a safe rest of the trip!! David sends his love! Take care!!

Anonymous said...

Making good timing...Sounds like ya'll are having a very interesting trip...Know that ya'll are in our prayers and we love and miss ya lots...

Anonymous said...

Making good timing...Sounds like ya'll are having a very interesting trip...Know that ya'll are in our prayers and we love and miss ya lots...

Anonymous said...

Already miss you. I am sooo glad you are trying to live your dream. You deserve it. Sounds like you guys are having a good time. I guess it's true---"Getting there is half the fun". Keep posting. Love reading the blogs.
Love ya'll