Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ya Double Hoo, We're in Alaska Now!

We are behind schedule a day because we finally had our first tire blow-out, on this long, lonely, stretch of highway in the Yukan. We thought we were in the middle of nowhere, (when in actuality we were within 10 miles of Destruction Bay) and we had to unload the backseat to get to the jack. We're jacking the trailer up (slowly), when we discover we have no way to take the lug nuts off the trailer tire because the jack that we had fit Lisa's truck only! We really think we have landed ourselves in a pickle when along come three canadians who preceded to change the tire. They even went down to one of their friends and borrowed something to take the lug nuts off, since the tool they had didn't fit our trailer tire either. They then directed us to (get this) a tire shop where we bought a new tire, and a 4 way lug. (We hadn't seen a place to have any repairs done in hundreds of miles!! It is a good thing the tire blew there, because the next 300 miles were pure misery! It took us a whole day to go two hundred miles!

We made it across the border with no problems at all....took 5 minutes. As soon as we crossed the border, hordes of gigantic misquitos carried Lisa off. By the time I reached the area they had dropped her, the huge black flies were feasting on her carcass. (This is actually a little joke for our Porky's Landing friends.)

We have sent a pic of the first American place we saw when we crossed the border. Also included is a couple of shots of lakes and mountains.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Buffalo Are Not Extinct!

As we were traveling from Ft. Nelson to Watson Lake, we had the chance to see some incredible scenery at Lake Munzo. The water is a crystal green color, and even though it was foggy and rainy, was absolutely beautiful. The three hundred miles to Lake Watson was rugged, and the hundreds of miles of water was a pleasant distraction

We stopped at a little restaurant on the way to Watson Lake, and on the menu they had bear burgers, buffalo burgers, turkey burger, chicken burgers, and regular hamburgers. We opted for the regular hamburgers, but noticed that they had a distinct wild flavor to them! I hope it wasn't a bear burger that we ingested, as the bear is one of my power animals.

A few miles from the restaurant, we ran across some real buffalo along the side of the road. Lisa had to pull into the other lane, as the largest buffalo decided to protect our side of the road!! We took pics, and continued driving, only to come around a bend in the road, and ran right into another herd of buffalo. They even had babies!! Pretty incredible sight! Then we saw a couple of baby bears.

We wanted to thank our friends and family who have posted on our blog. It makes us feel as if you are with us, making it less lonely a trip. At least this way we know that once we left town, we were not forgotten, as you all are not forgotten. We miss you lots
Same goes for our new friends!!

We will be arriving at the Alaskan border tomorrow, as we are in Whitehorse now.

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Only 1200 Miles More To Go

We almost stopped in Dawson Creek for the night as they were having an outdoor concert, but the sky looked like rain, so we decided to just take pics and go on to the next town. The road here to Ft Nelson, BC was mostly smooth..there were a few rough spots but for the most part roads were smooth. Lisa almost hit 2 different sets of deer, and we managed to see 2 moose and 1 bear on this route. No mosquitoes tho!! Weather is a wonderful 70 degrees, and we were able to turn off the air-conditioning. Gas is running $1.40 to $1.49 a liter (and there are 5 liters in a gallon)

A trucker asked us how many tires on the little scottie we had had to change, and when we told him we had changed none, he was astonished. I guess we must be doing something right, or someone or something upstairs is watching over us.

It's fairly amazing to us that everything is going so well, but we're coping!

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ya-Hoo! We're in Red Deer Canada

We made it through the boring state of Montana and pulled up at the Candian border this morning. That was some experience!! The agents took Lisa's pepper spray, and then sent us over to the inspection center. Three very cute inspectors were there to inspect our vehicle and camper for firearms. If you notice in the picture, the doors to two of the bays are open while the inspection was going on. When it came time for our inspection, ALL the doors to the bays were closed with our camper, truck and us inside (and of course, the border inspectors)

They would not give us their names so I will have to describe them to you. The one with the nice behind did most of the grilling. He was sure we were carrying fire-arms because in his experience, two women traveling alone across Canada, ALWAYS carried fire-arms to protect themselves. They interrogated Lisa and I separately, so that they could get us to admit we had a hand-gun. I got the longer grilling, maybe because I looked like I would crack and tell them something. The really cute baby faced inspector didn't say much except agree with the one with the nice behind. There was my favorite inspector, who was really tall and really silent. Everyone knows how I like those tall ones!!

Here we thought they were going to turn us back because of our little scottie. We passed the criminal investigation, the money situation and only had this little fire-arm deal to go though.

After an hour, they finally decided we were telling the truth, and let us go.

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We have no idea how fast we are going because the speed limits are in KM, so we just follow the rest of the traffic. We have only had a couple of people tell us we were doing something wrong!!

The truck is doing well, and the little scottie has been a trouper. Those guards did not want to take everything we owned inside of that scottie, in the back seat of our car, and the back end of the truck and inspect every little thing. So they believed us. Thank the Lord!

The roads are good, and we are making good time.

Carol, know that you are in our prayers .

Monday, June 16, 2008

We're in Denver Colorado!

We decided to driver to Denver Colorado to avoid the strong storm warnings in Missouri. Lisa's son, David, lives in Denver and so does Lisa's sister Sherri. The back of our little scottie has a little damage, and David is going to fix it for us. We met with him and Tina at their favorite Denver bar, Hoppers. This is such a unusual hang-out, as they have volleyball tournaments on the back deck (which is the only place you can smoke since Denver passed the no smoking in bars law) They also have awesome live entertainment, so we enjoyed our evening very much. If you get a chance to visit Denver, this is the place to come. There's a motel right next store in case you have as much fun as we did!

David sends his love to his children, Little Man, and Katie, and wants them to know that he loves and misses them very much.

We still want to visit with Sherri, and will try to do so before we leave this area. Then its on to the mountains!! Canada, here we come!!

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Friday, June 13, 2008

We're in Springfield Missouri Now

We would post some pics of us with our "finds", if we could get all the mud off our "finds" so we could photograph them!!! Although we are looking pretty rough by this time, and our friends might not recognize us!! We will photograph the smaller pieces we found for making jewelry .

As we were leaving the town of Mt Ida, Arkansas, we stopped in a few shops and found more incredible people. Sheila makes hand-made quilts, and even sells hand-made quilt squares. Her email address is

Her son and daughter-in-law own the Crystal Seen shoppe. This is an incredible shop, and Julie is the person to talk to if you want to know anything about crystals. She is great friends with Dee, (the lady from our last post) and we would have liked to spend more time with these powerful women. Still trying to get Lisa to slow down because when she gets focused on a goal, she is relentless in pursuing it. It's a challenge to get her to accept that healing is a goal in itself, and that she must focus on that in order for her to heal. She's getting there, but it's hard for her to put herself first.

We also stopped in Stikx & Stones, and saw a wonderful display of all the large clusters they are taking to the Gem show in Tuscan Az. Lisa stayed in the truck while I went in and talked with Brenda. Lisa has a hard time staying in the rock shops as she gets light-headed and nauseated when spending too much time around the large crystals. I found a great little quartz with clorite and gave it to Lisa. Clorite taps into the unused female sexual energy to increase the healing process, and both Lisa and I have plenty of unused sexual energy to tap. We have to take advantage of that energy while on the road, because once we get to Alaska, we may start using that energy for other things!

We're in Missouri now and visited the Eagles last night. We are really tired of carrying this soap into the room every night, so we thought we might be able to sell some Eagle Bars there. It was a very slow night, but since there is a flash flood warning for this area today, we will stay over until Sat. so that we don't lose our little Scottie to the Land of Oz.

We should be hitting the border by Sunday and then we will be heading into Canada.
We do not know if we can get an internet connection in Canada, so we may have to wait to post again when we leave Canada.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We made it to Arkansas!!

We made it to Arkansas after saying good-byes to our families. We have a room right here in Mt Ida, close to all the mines. The motel owners gave us the honeymoon suite which has a king bed and jacuzzi for the same price we would have paid for a regular room. I think he thought Lisa and I were a couple, but we didn't care because we wanted that jacuzzi!!
We went out today to several of the mines. Wegner mines, which is owned by Richard, has some wonderful BIG crystals on display in their museum. We managed to find some of the auras that we will wrap/ We also found the hard to find celestial aura, which is such an awesome shade of purple and blue.
There are several ways you can dig for your own crystals there, but we decided to go to Gee and Dee's mine to dig, as we were told by a local that Gee would open up a vein for us to dig. Dee is a real character and is in charge of sending people to the mines and selling the crystals that her husband has dug and cleaned up. This is the best place to buy really big crystal clusters for a reasonable price. You can buy the little ones there too. The heart shaped rock is just full of blue phatom crystal points. Dee said her husband dug that rock up on their anniversary. ( i wanted to take those crystals right off that heart, as it is the same type of crystals I wear around my neck, and many customers have asked for their own)

This digging up crystals is hard work. Right now we have some huge crystals sitting in buckets of water so that we can clean the red clay off. Then we have to soak them in some kind of acid so that we can see what we have. We may then have to break up the rock in order to free certain crystals.

We'll be sitting in the jacuzzi tonight and thinking of ya'll.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sway Bars are ON!!

We have installed the sway bars onto the little Scottie. The technician told us that we cannot use the sway bars on gravel, or in rainy or slippery surfaces. Then he tells us not to back up as it will break the sway bars. The directions say one thing, and the tech says another. So now we are confused. And it doesn't take that much to confuse us. I guess we will have to learn from experience. Anywho, we have the sway bars, so everyone can stop worrying! And we want our share of the pool!
We also got a tuneup, oil change, and had the breaks adjusted. Tomorrow we will get the vacumn hose replaced, and then we are off to visit my mom in Atlanta Ga for a day.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Born Free, Born To Be Wild, Freedom Rocks! WE ARE FREE!

We are sitting here at the beach, looking out at the beautiful ocean, relaxing after the 3 grueling packing days! We got everything that we wanted to take with in the little Scottie, and know now that the decision not to get an RV was a good one, as we would never have been able to pack all these store supplies into an RV. That little sucker is packed so well that the load did not even shift when we had to pull over to the side of the road on a hill, ( which should have shifted the load way to the right) because Randy forgot to attach the safety chains to our little Scottie when he changed the hitch! And we forgot to check to see if they were attached again! We won't make that mistake again!!

We will be heading in to get the sway bars attached to the trailer tomorrow and will post that pic so that our friends will know the little Scottie has the sway bars. Although it is pulling well, we do notice that when we hit a bad patch of road, or a bump, we do swing!!
Kinda making us nauseated, like having a hangover without the fun!

Someone please send us a pic of Lisa's ball, as the one I took came out blurry.

We will post pics of Lisa's farewell party as soon as we get the pics.

We have decided to close the store in a vacation setting, as it will be too complicated to keep it open while we are traveling. We will re-open on July 4th.

My son wanted us to come to Pa and help him run his business. What did we say??

We miss everyone already, although not so much that we are willing to come back!
Love to you all
Deb and Lisa