Thursday, April 2, 2009

Here comes the photos promised of the Seward for Tourists

The sun is shining and Lisa and I got out and took more pics. We mainly took pics of the things that tourists do in Seward, because we had already sent photos of the "real Seward". There were a few pics of the real Seward that we didn't get, such as the hospital, which we should have included so as to assure Lisa's family members that we have all the ameneties of a real town, but we forgot to take a pic of the hospital.
We also did not take a pic of our favorite restaurant...for a reason. You can smoke in the restaurant. We are not including the name as we fear the "Nazi" non-smokers will get their butts in an uproar and try to change it. Non-smokers are politely informed that this restaurant is a smoking establishment, and whining about the smoking is not permitted.
If a non-smoker insists on whining, they are given a list of non-smoking restaurants in the area and politely shown the door. A friend and I were discussing the smoking situation and we are sure the government is going to try to make smoking illegal. Now, the government tried to this with drinking, and look how far that got them. But they just might pull off making smoking illegal.
So what would be next...maybe fat people would be illegal. But how would you regulate that? My friend came up with this suggestion...the government could put scales at all restaurants, and if you weighed more than a determined amount, you would either be prohibited from buying certain foods, or paying more for foods not on your recommended diet list. (I think the government would like this option, as they do seem to like to profit from the weakness of others). If all fails, the third strike rule could be used against the overweight person, and they could end up in jail. And who is the government? Oh yeah, we are. We elect these people. The government is a reflection of our people as a society.

That's why I like Alaska. It is a third the size of the United States, and there are still many places in the state not controlled by the "government". The people of the town rules what happens. And you can always find a town which resonates with you.

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Tina and David said...

Great pics! We miss you guys...course I enjoy keeping up with you through facebook! You crack me up Debbie! LOL Glad all is well! David and I are enjoying our new motorcycle! Headed to a bike ralley tonight! She be a great time! He sends his love!! Keep in touch!! Hugz!!!!

Anonymous said...

Danny and I are really glad you two are in a place you enjoy and feel the freedom to smoke where, what and when you like. We love you and want only happiness, health and wealth for you.
......Just keep in mind that the rich people in this world are so much more than happy to have you continually filling their pockets with your hard earned money! They are the wealthy stockholders of the companies which supply you with your symbols of freedom. They are richer every day, thanks to you. They and their bunch of wine sipping, stock trading, war mongering cronies have the best of healthcare plans....the biggest, most luxurious cars....the most outlandish, overblown McMansions and the megamillions of dollars to pay for the best lobbyists in the good old USA.......So that they can fight to the death the pansy assed,"oh don't smoke in my air space", save the world, tree hugging, two faced sons of bitches who would love to see your freedom locked up, taxed and trampled on.
.....Florida is about to pass a one dollar per pack tax, on top of the current taxes all smokers pay. You don't think that the stockholders are going to pay that tax, do you?
...........The tobacco company stockholders are the richest of the rich, in the world, and don't give a damn about their fellow human beings. It's profit, profit, profit. The current financial crisis has done nothing to harm them. In fact, their overall profits have risen and it's no wonder why. People are stressed to the max right now and they are finding that smoke breaks help. Yay! say the stockholders! Nothing will stand in their way to supply you with your God given right to smoke where, what and when you like. Their cups overflow with love and careing for all smokers. Ok, I'm being sarcastic Debby, but, I will NOT give them any more of my money! I will NOT give into their greed! I will NEVER again go through the HELL I am going through to quit smoking!
......I know what addiction is and I've been sober for over twenty years. No more running naked in the street for me.....well, almost never. HAHAHA!.....but, let me say this to you Debbie, I have never known a pain, a craving, or a need for a substance like tobacco! Alcohol and pills were nothing compared to this and I'm still going through it. I hate this feeling and I know that in time, it will mostly pass, but I can never pick up another ciggarette! It's been over four months and there are actually days that I don't think of smoking. That, in itself, is amazing to me! Addiction is addiction and I am the Queen of Denial! I am now fourty pounds heavier and have manboobs the size of good old, farm raised watermellons but,those bastards aren't getting my money any more! Shit,I just thought, they probably own Hershey's, Nabisco and Breyer's stock too.....You just can't win!
.....Thanks for letting me sound off Deb! We are proud of you for following your dream and we talk about you all the time. Ok, not all the time but, when people mention Alaska, we do!
.....Love ya,