Sunday, July 12, 2009

Really Cute Moose and Bear Soap

Although we have closed the ebay store, we still have our store on our website, and this week we are adding a few new speciality soaps. We have created a Large Moose (8 oz) and babies gift basket to celebrate the state of Alaska. The moose is chocolate scented and sets in a basket of vanilla potpourri. This combination smells really great and makes a great gift for someone who loves Moose.

We have also created a Mama Bear and baby bear soap basket. This basket a black, brown and polar mama and baby bear. It makes a lovely gift basket for any person who loves bears, or makes a nice addition to any cabin or outdoorsy theme.

Our third gift basket is our very large hand-painted frog...the flowers and the eyes are hand-painted, and the large frog itself sits in a lovely basket...great present for those frog lovers.

You can see all items at our website, just click on the link.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We have closed the Ebay Store

We have closed the Ebay store. Their fees have become too steep.

We still have our regular store and have made some new things for the 4th of July weekend here in Alaska. We have some really nice herkimer diamond necklaces and earrings set in Sterling Silver, and know that they will sell fast. The metaphysical properties of the herkimer diamond (good for the immune system and great for dreaming, plus gives one a lift in their spirits) will attract those in need of healing. Herkimer Diamonds have the clarity of diamonds, the hardness of diamonds, without the price of diamonds.

The weather is beautiful here in Alaska now. Makes one grateful for every day. We have cleansed our crystals in the ocean here, and they really feel powerful. I wear several myself, as the CFIDS keeps me on my toes.

We have also created the bear and owl necklace. It is 24 in long and has adventurine, malachite, pink quartz, rhodochrosite, and emerald chips with 4 bears and 4 owls, and a 14k gold filled magnetic clasp..

The frog necklace is made with amethyst, malachite, and adventurine chips and has 4 frogs in different colors..metaphsically takes care of the mental, physical, and spiritual bodies.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.)Journey..A Blessing or a Curse?

I have been watching the CFIDS blog, and one thing I really notice is how many people are really upset about losing the life that they knew. I understand that feeling, as I have been dealing with M.E. ( which has been miss labeled by the CDC as CFS and CFIDS by the CFIDS ASSOCIATION of AMERICA) for twenty-seven years. But I for one, can't decide whether this challenge has been a blessing or a curse.

I started out getting married to a truck driver, and spending 10 years on the road as a bedbug hauler, driving an 18 wheeler. For the first year, my husband and I would change seats after he had gotten the truck up to the 13th gear, and then we would switch. Then he would climb back in the cab and go to sleep. For that first year, all I knew how to do was to stop the truck, so I always drove in 13th gear. It makes it kinda hairy going down mountains that way. I made him teach me the rest of the gears after that first year.

I managed to have 4 children, 2 of which died a few hours after birth, before I became ill. I became ill while on a run in Nevada, Lake Tahoo, in 1984, and that was the last trip I took in that 18 wheeler. But who's to say that's a curse...I never wanted to drive a truck for the rest of my life.

After I passed that first crisis with M.E., I went back to school and became a hypnotherapist, while studying hand-writing analysis, which took me 18 months to finish.
A year after that I had another big crash, where I then had to learn to walk and talk again. This is exactly where the crystals came in. And M.E. was a curse at this time, because I really liked what I was doing. But I did misuse it as I used self-hypnosis to get rid of pain (which really worked by the way) . It worked so well that I went into the beginning stages of renal failure. But did I stop then? NO, I pushed it until I couldn't walk or talk...and I was in my early thirties. So maybe, the M.E. was a blessing even then, as I had never learned limitations in anything. I managed to climb out of that one, and taught myself how to form sentences again by typing sentences from books, so that I would know how the words formed together to make a sentence. I did everything right, no smoking, no drinking, no sugar, no anything. Nothing was getting me out of that bed.
Then came my crystal, and I have already told that story.

My husband got the DUI that sent him to prison, and left me with 2 kids, 1 beat up old truck, and $25.00. I had to do something, so I became the only person in the United States to hold 5 packing contracts with different moving companies. It was unusual because major moving companies do not hand out packing contracts to you if you work for another agency. But thankfully, being an independent contractor meant that you had to show work from different companies, according to the IRS, and I pushed it with the companies. They each thought I would fail in the first part of the season and that would end the problem. And it could have failed, as I lied when I said I had the people to do the jobs. I remember sitting in the manager's offices, and shaking like a leaf, I was so scared. My face was twitching. But I pulled it off (its amazing what desperation will do for you) Once I got the contracts, I then had to train people to pack up the belongings in people's houses without breaking anything. I would answer the phone naked because i would drag myself out of bed to take the jobs for the following day. Its a good thing all I was doing was setting up the jobs, as I feel that people would frown on anyone coming out to the job site naked!
My son and his girlfriend were a great help in this area, even though they were only 16.
You do what you have to do when you have to have a place to eat and a place to live. The only problem with that attitude is that with M.E., sooner or later you are gonna crash.
I started having symptoms, and went to a doctor who put me on interfon treatments for 9 months. Now, having M.E. means you already have a cranked up immune system, and interfon cranks up the immune system even more. So guess what happen...well, you know what happened...But this time when I crashed I had enough money saved up until my husband came back home. Took me another 2 years to climb out of that one. Did I want to have a packing company for the rest of my life? No...I would have worked myself into the grave because I still hadn't learned my lesson. So, I guess we could say blessing again.

This is only the first part of the story, but I am tired now, and I have learned my lesson. I am going to stop writing, and finish another day. I posted some pics of the Seward waterfall on my facebook page.

Also, I am going to include a link to the store

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Another Peak in the journey called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.)

Ya-Who, my cousin Lisa is starting to walk several blocks a day with her cane, and she is getting stronger every day, which is a good thing for me, because my M.E. is starting to let me know that I need to slow down. We have a 4th of July event coming up, and we need to make some more jewelry and soaps for it. We have a new mold, which we are sure the people here will like, as it is a bunny waving around a hockey stick. We are going to hand-paint the Alaska team colors ....should be really cute, and is as big as our Florida gator soaps. We also have some moose and bear molds to make up, and some firemen molds (for my son, the volunteer fireman)

I will have to rest a bit as I have been doing all the housework and heavy work for months now. The M.E. has reared up, and I am only sleeping in 2 hr intervals. I have noticed that the muscle pain just will not let up, and the head-aches have come back. I do have the strangest symptoms, as the lower half of my body gets very cold while the top half gets hot. I take about 10 baths a day for the lower half, and it is just starting to warm up here so I haven't had much of a problem with the upper half of my body. I am so thankful that I moved to Alaska, as it will not get much hotter than it is now, which for me will be good. Lisa is a Florida gal, however, and she sometimes misses the heat.

The plus side is that now I don't have to explain anything to anybody. I don't have to justify staying in bed if I need to. I don't have to apologize if I have to cancel on something I had agreed to do. This has been a great help in reducing the stress of this illness. I am hoping to build up enough energy after the craft fair to go traveling, and you know I will post pics!

I have added a following button to the site, although I am sure I am just talking to myself. Lisa gets a kick out of listening to me talking and answering myself...she just laughs and laughs.

I will post a pic of our little bunny hockey player soaps when we get them made and painted on the blog, and list them in the store

Friday, April 17, 2009

CFIDS is NOT the Captain of My Ship Anymore

For twenty five years I have dealt with Chronic Fatigue Immune Dsyfunction Syndrome, and for most of that time, it has tossed me this way and that, regardless of where I wanted to go. At least, that's what I thought...I thought I had no control over this disease that had taken control of my life.

However, a lot has changed since I first became ill. Good news is that I no longer deal with issues such as a fluttering heart beat, or my heart stopping for a beat; no longer have nights sweats. My blood pressure no longer drops all a sudden, sending me into a shivering mess.

My organs no longer get so cold I could tell you where each of them was, because they felt like blocks of ice inside my body. I no longer feel as if my head is going to drop off my neck. When I tell my eyes to open they do. When I tell myself to get out of bed, I can.

Two summers ago, I had managed to swim 100 laps in the pool a day. Did I do it all at once? No. I swam first 5 laps, then increased it till I could do 20 laps. Then I did 20 laps 5 time a day.

Last summer, I managed the 6000 mile trip from Fla to Alaska, then managed to get moved into a place here in Seward. I don't know anyone in Seward, and only one friend in Anchorage.

I planned this trip 8 years ago. Took me a while, but I got here.

I had to give up a lot of things to get to the place I am at now. First, my views on spirituality. I was raised a Mormon, and have 300 relatives who are Mormons. I had many blessings from Mormons for this illness. Didn't help. In fact, for me, I had to explore alternative spiritual practices in order to not succumb to the despair and depression caused by this illness. I explored a lot of things, including crystals and stones,
and Native American spiritual practices, (which I really like).

I gave up doctors also. Ten years ago a doctor told me I would be dead within the year. Last time I went to a doctor. Now I listen to my body; when it tells me to rest, I rest. If I don't want to do something, I don't. Unless it's really important to me to do, and then I accept the consequences of pushing past my limits. I know that I will be in bed until I replace the extra energy used. I've learned not to whine about my inability to do what other people can do. I do what I can do, and that's enough for me.

Crystals and stones really worked for me somehow. I was a real hard core case against these very objects when well, but one of my friends gave me one as I lay there in my bed.
I would stare at it, and it was like it gave me energy to focus my thoughts somehow. Crystals led me into a whole new area that I never would have explored had I been well. My mind was just too closed.

And this may sound strange, but somehow I am grateful for the path that CFIDS has led me to. I used to have no patience for sick people...I do now! I found that I could make some really beautiful things using crystals and stones, and it felt good while I was doing it. I could do it in bed if I needed too. I would never have found this talent for creating jewelry, had I not gotten sick. I am an Aries, we don't like to sit still...we like to be doing anything physical. I have found that I have other talents I never would have found otherwise.

And frankly, I've met some truly wonderful people on this part of my journey that I never would have met had I not had this illness. Call me a sucker, but I am grateful for that.

I like my life. No, I don't do everything the way that I did them before. But I still get whatever job I decide to tackle...I get it done. Maybe not as fast as other people. I do get it done my way tho.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Here comes the photos promised of the Seward for Tourists

The sun is shining and Lisa and I got out and took more pics. We mainly took pics of the things that tourists do in Seward, because we had already sent photos of the "real Seward". There were a few pics of the real Seward that we didn't get, such as the hospital, which we should have included so as to assure Lisa's family members that we have all the ameneties of a real town, but we forgot to take a pic of the hospital.
We also did not take a pic of our favorite restaurant...for a reason. You can smoke in the restaurant. We are not including the name as we fear the "Nazi" non-smokers will get their butts in an uproar and try to change it. Non-smokers are politely informed that this restaurant is a smoking establishment, and whining about the smoking is not permitted.
If a non-smoker insists on whining, they are given a list of non-smoking restaurants in the area and politely shown the door. A friend and I were discussing the smoking situation and we are sure the government is going to try to make smoking illegal. Now, the government tried to this with drinking, and look how far that got them. But they just might pull off making smoking illegal.
So what would be next...maybe fat people would be illegal. But how would you regulate that? My friend came up with this suggestion...the government could put scales at all restaurants, and if you weighed more than a determined amount, you would either be prohibited from buying certain foods, or paying more for foods not on your recommended diet list. (I think the government would like this option, as they do seem to like to profit from the weakness of others). If all fails, the third strike rule could be used against the overweight person, and they could end up in jail. And who is the government? Oh yeah, we are. We elect these people. The government is a reflection of our people as a society.

That's why I like Alaska. It is a third the size of the United States, and there are still many places in the state not controlled by the "government". The people of the town rules what happens. And you can always find a town which resonates with you.

You can comment on this post by clicking on the comments section at the bottom of this post

You can visit our store by clicking on the store link

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring is Almost Here and Lisa's Out of The House!

Spring is almost here, and yes, Lisa's out of the house. Since everyone is asking for pics of our town, we went around and took some. This trip just includes pics of the real Seward, and the next trip will be of the tourist Seward.

We took a pic of the view from our living window, then headed down Third St. where we took a pic of the bus station Lisa had to use when coming back from Anchorage when she broke her leg. Then we headed down to the SeaLife Center, and this is where Jackie's going to get a job when she comes here. The work is right up her alley, as Jackie loves all animals, and here is where she gets the opportunity to work with them.

Then we headed over to the ocean where I took a pic of Lisa on her first day outside with her cane. She looks kinda lopsided! But she is walking. And pretty soon she won't be a "newbie" anymore. She will have survived her first Alaskan winter!

We took pics of the ocean and mountains, and then headed down main street. Got a pic of the library and post office, but the batteries ran out when we tried to take a pic of City Hall. City Hall houses everything...the police dept, the motor vehicles dept., the utilities dept.

The days are getting longer now...sun comes up at 8:00 am and goes down 8:00 pm. The local Safeway store (which carries a little bit of everything) stays open from 5:00 am till midnight.

We're getting our jewelry ready for the 4th of July festival here, and so we are busy. 50 thousand or more people come to this festival, so we're making lots of stuff. We even got a sold mold of a hockey player with his stick (they are really big on hockey here)....we plan on using the teams colors on his uniform...should be cute. We'll post it on our store's website when we get it finished.

We're doing pretty well for a woman with a broken leg, and a woman unable to stay out of bed!

You can comment on this post by clicking on the comment button at the bottom of the post. You can visit the store by clicking on the store link in blue.

I'll post the rest of the photos on the facebook page....

We love you, we miss you

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Bear Festival is coming next weekend!

Everyone thinks that Lisa and I are crazy for coming to Alaska, but we do seem to fit right in here!! Next weekend Seward is hosting the Bear Festival, where people come from all over Alaska to jump into the ocean! Now, I think that's a little unhinged, as it as gotten down to below zero here in the last two weeks! Seward puts on all kinds of activities for that weekend, but, from what I understand, only a few people can get close enough to see those poor souls who jump into the ocean. I will not be doing that, although it might be good for the circulation!!
I have found a way other than really hot baths to get rid of that pain in my hips which was caused when I walked several miles in the heat before we left Florida. I started using a heating pad on the imflamed areas, and no more pain. Now, whenever I have to do any carrying and those areas get inflamed, a few hours with the heating pad takes the pain away. Good news for me, as Lisa still cannot walk without a walker, and therefore, can't help with any of the carrying of groceries.
We are going to Anchorage this week to finish cleaning out the storage unit. Well, I am going to clean out the storage unit, and Lisa is going to watch. She is so tired of sitting in the apartment. I told her that I will only take her if I do not have to listen to her bitch about not being able to help. She can't do anything about it, so there is no sense in making both of us miserable over it. We'll stay the night, as I broke my regular glasses, and it gets dark here too fast for us to make it there and back with me wearing my prescription sun glasses. She cannot drive either, and doing everything at my pace is another thing driving her crazy. I cannot go any faster than my energy allows, and she can't help, so she's really suffering.
She's also learning which friends are really friends, and which ones never were. A hard lesson to learn sometimes, but necessary for spiritual development.
I have been thinking of my dad a lot these last couple of months, and cannot seem to get out of my head his last few months. It is hard to look at someone whom you have always seen as strong, whittled down to a person who died without dignity. I couldn't get him out of bed to dress him and take him down to the river he loved so much. I just wasn't strong enough. While I could manage to keep him clean and dry, and without bed-sores, and I could feed him, and give him his insulin (although my stomach hurt all day dreading the time when I had to give him his shot,) I couldn't take him to the places he loved, or to see people that he cared about. It still really upsets me that, after all my dad did for the people of his church, he got very few visitors in the year he was bed-ridden. He did have one member of his church, who came over and sat with occasionally, and she even got him dressed and took him to church, just before he died. It was more than I could do, I couldn't even get him out of bed, and even if I had gotten him out of bed, I didn't have a vehicle to take him anywhere. So he had to lay there, day in and day out. I try to tell Lisa, when she gets so upset that she can't do what she wants to do, that this situation is only temporary, and that she should be grateful for that. I don't know that she is understanding that however.
One of the ladies here said maybe we came here to heal emotionally, and maybe that is true. Lisa is learning to slow down and listen to her body more, and cannot use activity to ignore or hide from pain. I will surely be thankful for the day she will be back on her feet, as I am getting tired.

Friday, January 2, 2009

It's A Brand New Year!!

Well, we have made it to another year! I remember, 10 years ago, a doctor telling me I wouldn't last out the year....I was a walking time bomb. And yet, here I am 10 years later. I believe that we get whatever it is we believe we are going to get, and since I never had a doctor I believed, their predictions for me never came true.
When Lisa and I tell people we came to Alaska to heal, they always ask us how we are going to do that. We're going to heal because we believe we are going to heal. Already Lisa is learning the lesson I have already learned, and that is how to slow down and listen to what her body is telling her. The fresh air, while cold, is extremely healing, as is staying away from toxic situations and people.
We're both using the crystals, and cleansing our indoor environment. We take our vitamins.
The new year is always good for setting those resolutions to change, and this year we are setting our course on keeping out of toxic situations, and away from toxic people. Letting go of expectations of the way others should or should not act is a goal we will be striving toward. We can only control what we can do , and stay away from those who would be harmful to our health. While it means letting go of some friends, and sometimes family, this new year is one in which we are going to concentrate on ourselves and our health.
We'll drink herbal tea, breathe in the fresh air and beautiful scenery, and speaking frankly, just love ourselves. Happy New to Year to you all