Sunday, July 20, 2008

We are in love with Seward

Our last stop before coming home to Anchorage was Seward Ak. This is a wonderful little town with only 2600 residents in the winter. We stayed in the city campgrounds there, which had no internet but had coin-operated showers, and free toilets! The garbage cans are painted by local artists, and we have included some of those garbage cans with their new age sayings here. We had a view of the ocean which was surrounded on three sides by mountains. Absolutely awe-inspiring.
Lisa has taken a job in a remote lodge 350 miles from Anchorage, and works there until Sept.14. It's right next to a glacier and she gets to go on all the tours for free as part of her package. She also gets free room and board for the two months, and since there is not one place to spend money up there..she will save quite a bit. She is also getting to meet new people and learn what we will need to know to open up our own bed and breakfast.

We're having trouble getting consistent high speed internet here, so we are having to post new items very slowly to the new site,

We will still have the store at Ebay, but willing be phasing that store out when we finally get the new store up and running. At the new store, you can order unlimited amounts of soap without it being the problem it was on the ebay store.

We will be putting up on the blog some of the new items we have now wire-wrapped. They came out absolutely beautiful, and I wish we didn't have to sell them!

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Anonymous said...

That is so great! The view is beautiful! The dumpsters are pretty! Good luck with everything we wish you all the best!! I told David you guys had settled and where you were...he says... "Sweet"! LOL He sends his love and says be safe!! Take care and keep in touch!

Annie said...

Go girls go. I cant wait to here that you are up and running with the B and B. I am ready to come and work when you say so.
Wish I was with Lisa right now.
Keep on keepin on.
Annie in the swamp

Capt Bill said...

Hi Lisa and Debbie:
I enjoyed reading you trip adventures and glad you make it safely. Hope you are feeling well. I Love and miss you very much. My birthday is Tuesday and I wish you were here to help me celebrate. Everything is quiet in Crescent City. Haven't been to Porky's for a while, but I here business is really bad. Randy and Jenny are still off and on as usual. Let me hear from you. Love Carolyn
Capt Bill says Hi. His email address