Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Born Free, Born To Be Wild, Freedom Rocks! WE ARE FREE!

We are sitting here at the beach, looking out at the beautiful ocean, relaxing after the 3 grueling packing days! We got everything that we wanted to take with in the little Scottie, and know now that the decision not to get an RV was a good one, as we would never have been able to pack all these store supplies into an RV. That little sucker is packed so well that the load did not even shift when we had to pull over to the side of the road on a hill, ( which should have shifted the load way to the right) because Randy forgot to attach the safety chains to our little Scottie when he changed the hitch! And we forgot to check to see if they were attached again! We won't make that mistake again!!

We will be heading in to get the sway bars attached to the trailer tomorrow and will post that pic so that our friends will know the little Scottie has the sway bars. Although it is pulling well, we do notice that when we hit a bad patch of road, or a bump, we do swing!!
Kinda making us nauseated, like having a hangover without the fun!

Someone please send us a pic of Lisa's ball, as the one I took came out blurry.

We will post pics of Lisa's farewell party as soon as we get the pics.

We have decided to close the store in a vacation setting, as it will be too complicated to keep it open while we are traveling. We will re-open on July 4th.

My son wanted us to come to Pa and help him run his business. What did we say??

We miss everyone already, although not so much that we are willing to come back!
Love to you all
Deb and Lisa


Anonymous said...

hahahahah that scottie looks cool..but you could put it in the basement of this Holiday Rambler Limited Edition.

However...I do think you made the best choice...you dont need something this big...a little trailer lets you explore more and you still have a car to drive.

You are sleeping in the trailer arent you?...or is it your 'uhaul'.?

have a wonderful adventure..I am so glad you got on the road.

Anonymous said...

Mom, Please be carefull on this venture you have decided to pursue.Freedom does in fact rock as you state but at the price of chances people would not normally take. We all love you and hope that you find what you are looking for with no hitches. Call me when you get there.